Saturday, April 16, 2022

Clerks Garrett and Darany: Get the translation done - The Arab American News - Translation

Clerks Garrett and Darany: Get the translation done

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Friday, April 15, 2022

How to enable translation in Telegram 2022 Tip - BollyInside - Translation

This tutorial is about the How to enable translation in Telegram. We will try our best so that you understand this guide. I hope you like this blog How to enable translation in Telegram. If your answer is yes then please do share after reading this.
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Check How to enable translation in Telegram

Telegram’s first update of the year brought a number of features for the translation of user messages, themed QR codes, and hidden text. The functions were implemented on the Android and iOS platforms. The new additions were intended to improve the platform and make it more interactive. The 12th update since the official release has brought some useful features for the users, one of them being the translation option in the app. Basically, it allows users to translate text in the language of their choice. Easy access to in-app translations and features enhances usability, plus in-app translator not available on WhatsApp, giving the cloud-based instant messaging service uniqueness. If you are using Telegram and you don’t have a chance or can’t use this feature, here is a simple guide to help you.

How to enable translation on Telegram

Thanks to him, it no longer matters what language the original message was written in: English, Chinese, Turkmen or any other. Now it can be easily translated into a language in which it is more convenient to receive information. And it doesn’t have to be Russian. It works equally well in all directions. For message translation to work, it must first be turned on.

  • Install the latest version of Telegram for Android;
  • Launch the app and slide to open the side menu;
  • Go to “Settings” and open the “Language” tab;
  • Activate the option “Show Translate button”;
  • Select your native language in the “Do not translate” box;
  • Go back to the chats and find a message in a foreign language;
  • Click on it and select “Translate” from the context menu.

Final words: How to enable translation in Telegram

I hope you understand this article How to enable translation in Telegram, if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this article with your family and friends.

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How Does Document Translation Transform Businesses Globally? - Harlem World Magazine - Translation

The internet accelerated international business growth by connecting enterprises worldwide with just a few clicks.

As global companies join to become more innovative, communication is a critical factor in their success. What role does document translation play in transforming businesses globally and enhancing their ability to make meaningful connections?

Focus on Context and Culture

Often companies mistakenly believe translation is as simple as finding out the meaning of a few words. But, unfortunately, this approach doesn’t consider the context and culture of statements made by people around the world. Using professional document translation services ensures everyone understands the messages being conveyed. Otherwise, corporate executives could make embarrassing, or even offensive, statements that prevent business from moving forward.

Collaboration Based on Clear Communication

In a fast-paced global marketplace, collaboration is challenging. With cloud automation and virtual meetings, people get together worldwide to enhance their business operations. However, communication is crucial to meaningful collaboration that propels businesses to the next level of success. Investing in document translation services means nothing gets lost in the translation, supporting the ideas of an international population.

Reach Out to More Prospects

Many businesses benefit from expansion beyond their neighborhood. Taking a company to global success means reaching out to more prospects to spread the word about what you offer. First, however, you need to understand how others communicate to provide meaningful information and resonate with readers. Anything less means prospective clients will surf away to the competition. As a result, a document translation professional can helps companies expand their reach and boost lead generation.

Everyone Is Doing It Now

Global communications increased dramatically over the past decade as people connected online to create cutting-edge enterprises. With that in mind, everyone is starting to understand the value of using a document translation service to support effective communication between international organizations. In addition, as more people use professional services, others will notice your failure to communicate in a language they clearly understand.

Related:  Understanding How Affiliate Marketing Works

Maintain Regulatory Compliance

A failure to communicate is not a defense for failing to maintain regulatory compliance internationally. However, if a miscommunication leads to a failure to maintain the terms of an agreement, a loss of business and other sanctions could result. With that in mind, it makes sense to invest in translation services to ensure compliance every step of the way. 

Brand Visibility

If international customers can’t understand your message, they won’t know what your company offers. As a result, they will look for products and services from competitors. So rather than watching prospects surf away, use translation services to communicate with them and expand your brand’s visibility. The more people who recognize your company, the more likely your marketing materials will generate leads and encourage prospects to take action.

In a global marketplace, your company needs to take its place among many competitors. Communicating effectively is the cornerstone of building international business relationships based on trust and visibility. Using a professional translation service is a wise investment to ensure your company always conveys the right message. Anything less could mean damaging your brand reputation, losing prospects, and lead to possible non-compliance with international regulations. The most successful business leaders recognize the relevance of saying what they mean and meaning what they say. Contact a translation service today to learn more about the value of international communication for a respected global presence.

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For P.E.I. interpreters, translating is more than just repeating something in a different language - - Translation

Sitting somewhere inside a courthouse in the Bahamas, a young Kristina Sweeting would hear the same message repeated twice, once by a stranger and then again by her mother.

"She'd have court cases to go to and sometimes she wouldn't have anyone leaving us so she take me with me and I kind of sit in the back and watch her, and I just thought it was fascinating," she said.

Her mother, who's originally from Peru, worked in the Caribbean country as a translator, helping Spanish-speakers navigate the local court system.

Sweeting has followed in her mother's footsteps, becoming a translator and an interpreter for Spanish and Italian. Now based on P.E.I., she helps non-English speakers from Latin American countries do essential things such as go to the doctor or sign up their children for school.

"A translator works more with the written portion of the language," she said. "The interpreter, it's more so with the talking part of the language ... which requires the interpreter to listen and comprehend, and to also translate the language at the same time."

Working with police, doctors

The Immigrant and Refugee Service Association of P.E.I. offers its clients translation and interpretation services. About 90 people who have been trained in-house are on call to assist newcomers settle into their new home. 

Lu Xinghai learned about the services in 2010 when he was taking a Holland College program to improve his English skills.

Lu, who is from Shanghai, said he decided to get training and put his name on the association's on-call list after seeing the high number of people coming to the Island from China at the time.

"They can't understand some things, like the way of living and how to communicate with the people and how to encounter some unfamiliar situations. They don't have that kind of experience," he said.

Lu said a lot of the work involves helping clients navigate institutions that work differently in their home country. For example, he lets them know that in Canadian hospitals you're expected to wait while staff prioritize other patients.

Other situations are trickier to navigate.

"I was at the police station one time. One girl went to the hospital, said, 'OK I have some injury and need to be treated.' Then afterwards, after checking everything the doctor immediately called 911, calls the police station, and says 'OK, there's kind of the potential [for] domestic violence,'" he said. 

Lu Xinghai has worked with IRSA clients for over a decade. (Submitted by Lu Xinghai)

"The police just check everything and then afterwards arrest the boy. So you see it is quite different. I was there, and I participated in all the proceedings."

Lu said putting your emotions aside when dealing with that kind of situation is one of the most challenging things about the job.

One time, he was called to help out in a case of impaired driving. Police were asking the person involved whether he wanted a blood alcohol test.

"Sometimes you [think] to persuade people. 'OK, in this way, maybe you will have a better result.' Or you say, 'You will refuse that, it will be much better,' though this is kind of misleading,' he said. 

"To explain everything in a clear way is the only thing I can do ... put personal feelings away and just try to ensure [you're] 100 per cent correct."

'They need our sympathy'

Bayan Radi arrived with her family from Qatar in 2009 and started to interpret for IRSA the following year, assisting clients from Arabic-speaking countries such as Libya and Iraq.

Her daughters, Nadeen and Raneem Subeh, started working along with her in 2015, a few years before the number of Syrian refugees arriving on the Island increased exponentially.

Some of the people they helped at the time went through immense suffering. One woman was injured by a sniper while fleeing the war with her family. Another couple had to resort to begging for food and money while waiting to get to Canada.

"They left their homes and they left everything behind them. Some people went to Lebanon, to Jordan but didn't have anything," Radi said.

Bayan Radi with her daughters, Nadeen and Raneem Subeh. (Submitted by Bayan Radi)

Radi said she will never forget some of the stories she's heard from people she has helped, noting that being a good listener and showing empathy are some of the most important skills for an interpreter.

"They want to tell their stories. It's that kind of sympathy, you know, they need our sympathy," she said. "That's why, you know, they call me anytime, it doesn't matter; night, evening or morning, I keep answering them. I don't reject their call. I try my best not to reject their calls."

The family has established friendships with some of their former clients, continuing to help out on occasion.

"Sometimes we do gatherings. Like family gatherings, because most of them there are kind of my age. Of course, they do have families," said Nadine, who is in her late 20s.

Sometimes she helps with taxes and bureaucratic letters. 

"Just finding our way around P.E.I. basically is what we needed help with and we did find people to help us around so we're basically paying it forward," Raneem said.

'Hard on the brain'

Sweeting, who also does translation and interpreting for the Chief Public Health Office [CPHO], said she regularly talks to her mother about work, especially on "bad days."

"Translating can be kind of hard on the brain after a day of doing it. It's ... a lot of work mentally," she said.

"The thing with interpreting and translating in general is you can't translate or interpret word for word. You have to translate the meaning of what the person is trying to get across. It's all about listening and making sure you catch everything, every aspect of who the person is trying to portray. And that it can be difficult at times."

But she said at the end of the day, it's all worth it to hear how grateful some of her clients are for what she does — even if it's very simple.

"[Through the CPHO] I've been able to work with a lot of the temporary foreign workers that come here from Mexico. And it's probably one of the most gratifying experiences," she said. 

"Most of them don't speak any English at all. So when they come here, they kind of feel isolated, I guess. They're away from their family, they had to isolate [when] all the restrictions were in place. And simple things like needing more coffee and sugar during their isolation period, or if they wouldn't get their meal ... the only way they had to communicate was for me, really.

"So it was a great experience to be able to help them communicate, because otherwise, some of them told me they don't know what they would have done."

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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Indian University Releases Multilingual Dictionary for Comparative Buddhist Studies – Buddhistdoor Global - Buddhistdoor Global - Dictionary


The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) in Pune, India, has published a Dictionary of Buddhist Terms, a multilingual dictionary with Pali headwords as the basis. The dictionary gives translations into English, Sanskrit, and Tibetan, all in Roman script, along with their respective textual attestations for scholars of comparative Buddhist studies.

The Indian Express newspaper reported with the release of the dictionary’s third fascicle on 9 March that the Dictionary of Buddhist Terms would eventually grow into a volume of 50 fascicles. The first and second fascicles were published last year. The publishers also plan to add Chinese-language definitions, which, they say, will make the Dictionary of Buddhist Terms the only multilingual dictionary of its kind.  

“We will be soon adding the Chinese language in the project and are in search of a suitable scholar to collaborate,” said Mahesh Deokar, professor and head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies. “Besides, we are considering having this dictionary in Devanagiri and Tibetan scripts.” (The Indian Express

Prof. Deokar, along with Dr. Lata Deokar, Snehal Kondhalkar and Prof. Maheshwar Singh Negi, started the Dictionary of Buddhist Terms project two years ago. The linguists stated that the dictionary would eventually be expanded to encompass the entire Pali alphabet. 

Each fascicle contains 100 words, with three fascicles published so far containing a total of 300 words beginning with the letter “A.” In the upcoming fascicle, at least 300 more words will be added.

“The book aims to simultaneously be used in tracing the changing meanings of Buddhist terminologies across space and time,” SPPU said in a statement. “Besides, it may reveal both the common and unique vocabularies used in Pali and Sanskrit Buddhist traditions.” (The Indian Express

The Dictionary of Buddhist Terms is intended to serve as a guide for academics conducting comparative studies on various Buddhist traditions, using Pali, Sanskrit, and Tibetan as the primary languages.

SPPU vice-chancellor Prof. Nitin Karmalkar, who has worked extensively in Ladakh and has interacted with Buddhist monks for surveys and research, said that he believed that the dictionary had the potential to bring to the attention of scholars literary works in the Tibetan language that are currently hidden within the many monasteries in Ladakh.

Prof. Prasad Joshi, vice-chancellor of Deccan College and a Sanskrit scholar, noted that the Dictionary of Buddhist Terms project is making significant contributions to the field of lexicography. For some years, Prof. Joshi has also been working to compile a Sanskrit dictionary. 

“World over, there are not many ongoing lexicography projects, and dictionary compilation is a long-drawn process. We need to train more lexicographers and stop this art from dying out,” said Prof. Joshi. He added that a digital edition of the Dictionary of Buddhist Terms would be made available to researchers around the world. (The Indian Express

Deshana, an Institute of Buddhist and Allied Studies, and the Khyentse Foundation launched this multilingual dictionary project in June 2020.

The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, then known as the Department of Pali, was established in July 2006. Prior to its establishment, courses in Pali and Buddhist Studies were taught in the Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages. The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies is the only location under the jurisdiction of SPPU where students can study Buddhist literature in Pali, Sanskrit, and Tibetan, from basic to advance levels.

Read more

Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies (SPPU)
SPPU’s dictionary to have 50 fascicles; Chinese to be added (The Indian Express)
SPPU to release multi-lingual dictionary for comparative Buddhist studies Wednesday (The Indian Express)

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AppTek Launches New Metadata-Informed Neural Machine Translation System for Enterprises; Expands MT Language and Dialect Coverage - Yahoo Finance - Translation

New state-of-the-art system offers enterprise customers and translation professionals with advanced customization options for multi-domain, multi-dialect, multi-genre translations, which boost accuracy and further accelerate translation and localization workflows.

MCLEAN, Va., April 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- AppTek, a leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), Natural Language Processing / Understanding (NLP/U) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies, today announced the release of its new neural machine translation system that incorporates metadata as inputs used to customize the MT output and empower localization professionals with more accurate user-influenced machine translations. Additionally, the company expanded its core machine translation platform to support hundreds of language and dialect pairs.

AppTek's new meta-aware NMT system is changing the paradigm of how professional translators work with machine translation output. Up until today, most off-the-shelf MT systems have functioned inside a "black box" where source language text is formulated into text of a target language with no or limited awareness of the surrounding context or the domain or topic of the source text, and with limited control of the resulting output. Traditionally, enterprises would need to train, deploy and maintain multiple MT systems to account for translation tasks that differ in aspects such as language, dialect, domain, topic, and more, at the risk of high deployment costs and overfitting models.

With AppTek's new metadata informed NMT platform, enterprise customers can now access a single NMT system with multi-domain, multi-genre, multi-dialect content which increases the quality and adaptability of the system. By feeding additional metadata into the system, they gain more control of the MT output and can enable translators to simply "flip the switch" to the desired customized translation through relevant functionality in the user interface of the editing tools professionals work with.

Examples of MT output customization achieved with using additional metadata include:

  • Style - switch between formal and informal styles, such as that between a telenovela and a documentary, and get a translation with an appropriate politeness register depending on speaker status and relationships;

  • Length Control for Automatic Dubbing and Subtitling Tasks – generate shorter or longer translations with minimal information loss or distortion for tasks with hard length constraints;

  • Speaker Gender – toggle to the correct speaker gender, which influences inflections for certain parts of speech, especially in morphologically rich languages such as Czech;

  • Domain – adapt to the genre of the text, such as news programs, patents, talk shows, etc. to increase overall accuracy and use of in-domain, relevant translations of ambiguous words at the document level;

  • Extended Context – optionally make the system consider neighboring sentences within a document when translating a particular sentence so that ambiguity of, for example, pronoun translation can be resolved.

  • Glossary – account for official or mandatory translations which the system may otherwise translate differently; and,

  • Language Variety - account for multiple languages and dialects within a single system, as well as handling mixed-language content.

"By incorporating metadata to influence the MT output we are able to inject some 'world knowledge' into our platform," said Evgeny Matusov, AppTek's Lead Science Architect for Neural Machine Translation. "This improves the overall quality and adaptability of the system output and can be accomplished within a single multi-purpose system designed to reduce environmental footprint and cost."

AppTek's metadata-informed MT technology is now available for translation from English to selected European languages and their varieties, with more language pairs coming soon. The system can be customized and adapted to the needs of enterprise customers by utilizing existing parallel domain-specific translation corpora found inside company archives.

"As the demand for content localization continues to skyrocket, enterprises need to continue to innovate and find new ways to further accelerate production workflows," said Kyle Maddock, SVP Marketing at AppTek. "Our metadata-informed MT system has been specifically designed with translation professionals in mind, by providing them with more control over the MT output which can further speed up the localization process."

In addition to its metadata-informed NMT system, AppTek has also expanded its core MT platform to cover an extensive list of languages and dialects including the addition of Indic and Slavic languages. It now supports Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic (multi-dialect), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Belorussian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (multi-dialect), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dutch, English (multi-dialect), Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French (multi-dialect), Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hausa, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Mongolian, Norwegian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese (multi-dialect), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish (multi-dialect), Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya, Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu and Uzbek.

For more information, visit

About AppTek
AppTek is a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies for automatic speech recognition (ASR), neural machine translation (NMT), natural language processing/understanding (NLP/U) and text-to-speech (TTS) technologies. The AppTek platform delivers industry-leading, real-time streaming and batch technology solutions in the cloud or on-premises for organizations across a breadth of global markets such as media and entertainment, call centers, government, enterprise business, and more. Built by scientists and research engineers who are recognized among the best in the world, AppTek's multidimensional 4D for HLT (human language technology) solutions with slice and dice methodology covering hundreds of languages/dialects, domains, channels and demographics drive high impact results with speed and precision. For more information, please visit‍

Media Contact:
Kyle Maddock


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